Hi, I'm Jasiek, commonly known as marahin.
I am a gamer, backend developer, and overall IT / tech enthusiast. I really enjoy combining all of above.
Hi, I'm Jasiek, commonly known as marahin.
I am a gamer, backend developer, and overall IT / tech enthusiast. I really enjoy combining all of above.
Founder of the electricsheepstud.io, I design, implement and deliver optimal backend solutions using Ruby, Go and ReactJS.
I focus on performance, standards compliance and quality of the product.
For full resume navigate to my LinkedIn Profile. I am open to freelancing.
If you wish to contact me, please do so through e-mail: me@marahin.pl, or via any of the social media visible in the sidebar.
You may also want to reach out through electricsheepstud.io if you are looking for developers for your project.
This is a list of projects I am or have been maintaining:
For a full list of (previous and current) projects visit my git profile.
Apart from my pet projects I also do contribute to, report issues and code for open source projects:
visualitypl/jsonapi_parametersSimple JSON:API compliant parameters translator.
visualitypl/textrisSimple gem for texter classes similar to ActionMailer
Masterminds/glidePackage manager for Golang projects
Eugeny/terminusTerminal for a more modern age
beevelop/docker-shieldsShields.io in a Docker image
collectiveidea/awesome_nested_setAn awesome replacement for acts_as_nested_set and better_nested_set
openrazer/openrazerAn entirely open source driver and user-space daemon that allows you to manage your Razer peripherals on GNU/Linux
olav-st/screencloudScreenshot sharing applicatoin